Pet insurance

What is Classic cover?

Ready to start a pet insurance quote?

Find out what's included in this cover level

What is my pet covered for?

Vet Fees

At any time, just like us, our pets can fall ill or have an accident resulting in costly vet fees and treatment to get them back on their paws. You can claim up to £4,000 or £8,000 for each new medical condition with no time limit on a claim. If you make a claim and have any remaining cover benefits you wish to use in the next policy year, you must renew your policy with us and there must be no break in cover.

Accidental Damage

If while you're visiting someone else's property your pet causes accidental damage to their personal property, then you can claim up to £1,000.

Third Party Legal Liability

For dog owners, the legal responsibility for injury to others or damage to someone's property lies with you. For that reason, we offer third party legal liability cover for up to £2,000,000 for added peace of mind. Exclusions apply.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found cover is included so if your pet goes missing, you can claim up £1,000 for advertising and up to £1,000 for a reward for their safe return.

Emergency Boarding

If you fall ill and you're in hospital on medical advice for a period of more than 4 days in a row and no other member of your family is able to look after your pet, then you can claim up to £1,000 to cover the boarding costs for the whole of your hospital stay.

Pets Abroad

If you take your pet on holiday and they fall ill, we'll cover the cost of vet care abroad in certain European countries up to the vet limit on your policy.

Farewell cover

If your pet has to be put to sleep by a vet, you'll be covered for the cost of cremation or burial up to £150.

What isn't my pet covered for?

When claims for a medical condition have reached the vet fees limit then payments will stop for that condition and it is excluded from future claims.

Any changes you or your vet notice in the health or behaviour of your pet before this policy started.

Any illnesses occurring within the first 14 days of your cover start date.

Any accidents within the first 48 hours of your cover start date.

Any treatment for cruciate ligament (within the knee) problems within the first 14 days of your cover start date will not be covered.

Other exclusions apply. Please see policy booklet for full details.

Why do pets cost more to insure as they get older?

Like us, as pets get older, sadly they're more likely to get ill. That's why your renewal price may increase each year, and your co-insurance amount will be applied at the renewal following your pets 9th birthday.

Unfortunately, once a pet has been taken ill, in general, they're more likely to get ill again. That's why, if a claim is paid, the price you will pay next year can increase significantly.

It's important you budget for renewal prices to increase as your pet gets older. How much they go up is different for everyone and depends on things like your pet's breed, their age and health, and over time your renewal price can increase by considerable amounts.

You can read the full policy terms and conditions in our Policy wording document. You can find this in our policy documents section.