Speak to a Veterinary specialist 24/7 365 days a year for free with your MoreThan Pet insurance policy.
Via phone or video call.

What is FirstVet?
As a MoreThan Pet customer you have free access to FirstVet 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. FirstVet offers online video consultations with UK-registered veterinary professionals to tend to your pet's health needs.
Using FirstVet for veterinary advice is free while your pet is insured with us and does not affect your insurance policy.
Enjoy free expert veterinary care for your pet from the comfort of your own home!
How can FirstVet help?
FirstVet can help and advise on your pet's health concern, providing online veterinary consultations and treatment recommendations. FirstVet offers help with a variety of conditions including:
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
- Eye and ear problems
- Coughing and sneezing
- Itching and skin problems
- Minor injuries and accidents
If your pet is in need of immediate medical treatment you should take them straight to your local practice.
How to use FirstVet?
Register for Firstvet here, or download the free app via App Store/Google Play store.
Under "My Pets", add your pet's you have insured with us.
When you need to see a vet, open the app and select your pet's symptoms.
You can book an appointment, or alternatively wait for the next available vet.
The vet will appear on video and will assist with your query.